Sunday, March 7, 2010


new blog:


jones and I are getting our fame on.


i know its lame but i get so much enjoyment out of clouds.

powdered loom

the best

my kitty.

white thrash

i'm officially broke.
I'm working non stop but yes, I am broke.
What the hell.

Everyone in perth go to the No Culture Icons Collective (Australia) Opening night 24th March @ 2 Market Street Fremantle (next to Off The Wall).

And everyone get excited for my band 'Crowded Womb' in 6 weeks we'll be famous.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

dollah bill

I'm going to be selling a whole bunch of stuff soon. I am in deep debt and want to rid myself of unwanted baggage. If there is anything of mine that you want please request it. if not i will be posting a whole mess of stuff on here soon. If you don't buy it from me I will just give it to you. It needs home.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

