Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Consequence/defence Part3

Okay, so over the past ... lets say 24 hours (but I believe there has long been a spanner in the works), I have become increasingly content. Now, I'm not sure if content is even the right word that I'm looking for, and its also possible that this heightened state is from not having work for two days after not one day off for almost a month, but what I'm feeling is a kind of calmness or clarity if you will. Things are quite a lot more tumultuous at the moment than they have been for me for almost a year, so this is why I'm finding it hard to grasp my new found idleness and tranquility.
  • I've said it before and I'll say it again, there is nothing greater than reading a book. Hours of solitude not wasted on your petty thoughts of outfits for Saturday night or the man you're banging. This opens so many doors people don't realise! Would you not rather have an intelligent and powerful conversation with someone on Saturday night that finds you enthralling that otherwise might not like the top your wearing or think those jeans make you look fat?
  • Eat properly for God's sake. When will girls get it through their heads that being rake thin is not attractive to men in the real world?! Ask ANYONE and I promise they will tell you the same thing! I'm not telling you to binge but for fucks sake eat. You may look hawt in your FaceSpace photo but Christ when I'm up close to you I want a burger.
  • Brush your teeth. OH MY GOD. Just please fucking do it! There is nothing more distracting and off-putting than yellow teeth and bad breath.
  • Figure out what you want to do and what makes you happy and just do it. If you want to sit on your ass all day long on the computer, and that is TRULY what you want to do, not just something you DO, then figure out a way you can do that without shitting on everyone in your life.
  • If you love someone do it with all of your being. Don't be afraid. Being in love is my biggest fear and I never know what to do. So just chill. Be happy and let it show. Otherwise things will die in the ass.
Argh I can't do anymore at the moment because it's all just turning to shit! I can't concentrate and I need me time.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

she belongs to me (you)

She's got everything she needs,
She's an artist, she don't look back.
She's got everything she needs,
She's an artist, she don't look back.
She can take the dark out of the nighttime
And paint the daytime black.

You will start out standing
Proud to steal her anything she sees.
You will start out standing
Proud to steal her anything she sees.
But you will wind up peeking through her keyhole
Down upon your knees.

She never stumbles,
She's got no place to fall.
She never stumbles,
She's got no place to fall.
She's nobody's child,
The Law can't touch her at all.

She wears an Egyptian ring
That sparkles before she speaks.
She wears an Egyptian ring
That sparkles before she speaks.
She's a hypnotist collector,
You are a walking antique.

-Bob Dylan (1965)

Monday, October 26, 2009

the fall of babylon

“I hight Don Quixote, I live on peyote,
marijuana, morphine and cocaine,
I never know sadness, but only a madness
that burns at the heart and the brain.
I see each charwoman, ecstatic, inhuman,
angelic, demonic, divine.
Each wagon a dragon, each beer mug a flagon
that brims with ambrosial wine."

--John Whiteside Parsons

this dude was crazy as hell

mer ka ba


I just got really annoyed at all the blogs I follow because noone has updated in about 3/4 days. bastards. So here I am.

However I have been watching a lot of 2012 related videos which makes all this sort of jazz seem so unimportant.

I just sat here for about 10 minutes thinking what I could write that would be interesting/worth reading but like I said... totally unimportant.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

I rise in the morning,

spending the night before making free love to beats of science. Sometimes I want to run and tell him everything. All of it, just explain what’s going on in my head. Instead, I find myself wrapping my fingers around his hair and intertwining my legs with his. The sheets of our bed become as intrinsic as the morning spilling in through the window. With him, I find a way to express my lucid energy through the physical. Every touch and pull is a release of some freedom I can’t quite specify in any other way. Interlacing our hands and bodies allows me to engage in him and in the world. With our simple movements and idyllic gestures I can begin to see our special fate as humans, our inexpressible valuable condition.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Raw With Love

little dark girl with
kind eyes
when it comes time to
use the knife
I won't flinch and
I won't blame
as I drive along the shore alone
as the palms wave,
the ugly heavy palms,
as the living does not arrive
as the dead do not leave,
I won't blame you,
I will remember the kisses
our lips raw with love
and how you gave me
everything you had
and how I
offered you what was left of
and I will remember your small room
the feel of you
the light in the window
your records
your books
our morning coffee
our noons our nights
our bodies spilled together
the tiny flowing currents
immediate and forever
your leg my leg
your arm my arm
your smile and the warmth
of you
who made me laugh
little dark girl with kind eyes
you have no
knife. the knife is
mine and I won't use it

- Charles Bukowski

"things will turn out the way you want..

If you could just stop doubting that I love you."

Sunday, October 18, 2009

First Earth Battalion

sweet jesus mary and joseph

it's hot "i-want-to-sit-in-a-blow-up-pool-in-my-underwear"-hot.

If someone buy's me a subscription to Jacques magazine I SWEAR TO GOD i will do whatever is in my power to pleasure you.

I got a new battery for my smoke alarm but can't figure out how to get the damn thing open. It doesn't help that even when I'm standing on a chair I still need to get on my tip-toes to touch it (alliteration). Someone save me. I am slowly being driven insane by its incessant beeping day and night. like the water torture but instead a consistent beeping. I cannot afford to be more insane. Please. I beg.

Thats all.

Oh wait - one more thing, everybody needs to listen to more bob dylan. end.

Listening to: Worried Shoes - Daniel Johnston

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

the cosmic drama

i was bored today.

Ego unites with the soul//

I really do not know what the point of this blog is.
I mean, one day its me being like "WOO look at this new thing I have" next day its "WAH listen to me whinge about all the things I don't have" and then sometimes its just shit I have stolen from other people. Infact most of the time its shit I've stolen from other people. woops. sorry.

I guess it's pretty hard to be interesting when everything I'm interested in is happening thousands of miles away.

Or maybe I'm not interested in anything?

Steve Aoki on Friday night. holy fucking shit.
I missed him by about 45 seconds at summadayze earlier this year in Perth and by divine intervention hes coming back.

Also, I know it won't happen, but dragonslayer and I plan (somewhat, mostly I plan) to go somewhere early next year for a weekend/week trip.




So basically, I wish I was a physics nerd, but as far as I can tell, this tattoo says that all values from zero to infinity are less than love.
I used to believe this but now not so sure because its just so fucked.
I mean, infinity is... infinity... and love is a battlefield (thankyou Pat Benatar) and battlefields are nowhere near as .... good... as infinity.
Still, its a cool concept.

I'm obsessed with thinking what tattoo's I want but have no idea where I would get them. It's so shit. I really wanted to get this formula called the "infinity laplacian"
but now when I look it up on google its disappeared so now I'm thinking its been rebuked or something... so how embarassing would that be.
I also like this, but waaay too long. & not as pretty as the other one.

This has something to do with the number of galaxies, with the number or stars, with the possibility for planets with life etc etc etc.


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Girl Who Cried Coma

Today I made up a new word : crazycool. Its those people that are obviously insane, which in turn makes people think they're cool. Best example I can think of is Dean Moriarty from Kerouac's "On the Road". I have a friend that is crazycool. And she is my Dean. I realise I am less crazycool as her, but I do not strive to be like her. But I think shes the best thing that may ever happen to me. Is that weird? I don't think so.

Taking this into account, I realise that I definitely depend on people way too much. Last night I began taking it upon myself to make me happy, and to be completely honest it was so gratifying. I highly recommend doing things for yourself and for no other reasons. Why the fuck should you (I) be miserable when you (I) so easily have the power to change the situation your (I'm) in?
I also highly recommend having friends who are kick ass enough to listen to you rant for hours on your possibly crazycool topics of 2012 and intelligent lifeforms and (hopefully) want to see you again in the future.

LEARN THINGS. Read books for fucks sake. Even if you don't care much for the topic fucking read them. Have things to talk about so that you can hold an even remotely INTERESTING conversation with people who otherwise would find you increasingly mundane and not worth their time.

"Get famous or die."

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

consequence/defence Part2

I'm sorry. I'm not very nice.
I think this may be a common trait for all girlfriends? God I hope so. I may not practice what I preach but here's an idea or two, we can try them together:
  • Do NOT, I repeat do NOT fret about your boyfriend sleeping with imaginary girls. Unless he actually is, and in that case dump him.
  • If your boyfriend is cheating on you with imaginary girls, you both need help. (After you dump him)
  • Don't be a bitch for no reason. His friends may be fucks but you are better than that, right?
  • When he's being nice to you, don't be a bitch. Him being nice is not a common occurrence. So just take it and appreciate it.
  • If it ends, then for God's sake, don't sleep with his friends. Yuck. What does this achieve?
  • Don't let him eat your ice cream, that is YOURS and should not be abused.
  • Do not be a jealous, selfish, whiny, sly, self conscious and downright rude girl. It's not becoming and no one wants to be around you.

Monday, October 5, 2009

When the going gets wierd, the wierd turn pro...

Now lookie here; is it possible that I hate everyone? No don't worry. I'm kidding, I probably like you. I just think its cool to hate. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm a pussy. Especially when it comes time to make big decisions. ie. I have to decide where I'm moving soon. If I go home and save money and consequently go insane, or if I get another rental and if I do where and when and who with etc etc etc. It's enough to make me eat an entire bucket of fried chicken and watch myself have cardiac arrest. Unfortunately this last idea is not an option because I've never eaten fried chicken from a bucket and I never plan to. The most annoying thing about me, and the thing that is making this whole transitional phase the hardest, is that one day I will be one person, and the next day I will wake up completely different. For example, the other day I woke up wanting to spend every cent I make on new shoes and new clothes and other material crap like IKEA shelving. and then lo and behold 24 hours later I am saving up for a holiday so that I can be in the states for 2012. I mean what the fuck? how do these things even go mildly hand in hand? If anyone can suggest a good shrink feel free to leave me their name and number.


black is the new black

I have nothing to say, so here are some images;

